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them, ‘I feel the same way you feel.’ You have to

                                                                                                                lead by example.”

                                                                                                                In Tampa, Black Lives Matter organizers over

                                                                                                                the weekend had nearly 100 safety marshals

                                                                                                                in fluorescent vests patrolling their march,

                                                                                                                trained in de-escalation tactics and ordered to

                                                                                                                be on the lookout for antagonists. The group

                                                                                                                also had medics, used walkie talkies to identify

                                                                                                                and squelch outbursts, and enlisted lawyers

                                                                                                                and others with legal training to watch out for

                                                                                                                protesters’ rights from the sidelines.

                                                                                                                “We wanted to be able to provide a safe space

                                                                                                                for their voice and rage to be heard within

                                                                                                                a controlled environment. It’s part of their

                                                                                                                amendment rights for them to be able to

                                                                                                                express themselves,” said Chaikirah Parker, who

                                                                                                                helped organize the event.

                                                                                                                The veteran activist said they purposely held

                                                                                                                the event early Sunday, despite sweltering

                                                                                                                heat. Afterward, a younger crowd held another

                                                                                                                protest, and she said the veteran activists felt

                                                                                                                obliged to help.

                                                                                                                “We really feel it’s our duty to pass the torch

                                                                                                                and teach the kids how to organize,” she said.

                                                                                                                “They’re cocky, and then they realize the rapid

                                                                                                                response organization is a whole other level.

                                                                                                                “You need some of everybody to move the

                                                                                                                mission forward … you need the yard dogs, but

                                                                                                                you also need the diplomacy.”

                                                                                                                In Cincinnati, as hundreds of protestors

                                                                                                                marched to City Hall, safety marshals wore their

                                                                                                                fluorescent vests, and some toted bullhorns.

                                                                                                                Organizers with newly formed Coalition of

                                                                                                                Queen City occasionally stopped the crowd to

                                                                                                                make sure the volunteer marshals remained at

                                                                                                                the front, protester Abbey Smith said.

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